New Cards - This Changes Everything!

business cards

Today I added over 20 new cards and art prints to my shop. I have been working so crazy hard on these for the past two months and am stoked to finally have them up and ready to go!


This summer I had gone on a road trip with some friends to Waco, Texas. While we were shopping we stumbled upon an awesome boutique that carried beautiful cards from several designers I had seen online. When I saw that they had their designs out in the real world (not just online) it lit a fire inside of me. I came home inspired to develop and create an entire card line.

My two friends who had gone on the trip are the ones who prompted me to do this and have been by my side (along with my husband, my mom and a few other dear friends) encouraging me and helping critique my designs for the past two months. Y’all. That road trip changed my life.

I can’t wait to share this journey with you (because it’s going to be a long road), but my dream is to develop a full card line (over 40 cards) by next summer and to enter the wholesale market and supply my cards to awesome boutiques and business around the country within three years.

There. I said it. It’s really scary to put it all out there like that. I’ll try to share all about it here on this blog, though. So, if you have a similar dream, feel free to read along. If you are on the same path as I am, feel free to connect with me! I’m on Instagram more than anything else: katfrenchdesign.

So, here we go! ~Kat

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